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27830 State Highway 128
Winters, CA 95694

RainSkirts, WeatherWraps, and SportSkirts...functional outerwear to keep you warm, dry, and outside. Perfect for wearing over pants, skirts, and kilts. 

In The Wild

Updates and posts from happy customers around the globe. We love to share how you are using your skirts, and love sharing your photos. You can join in this lovefest by sending in your comments on the comment page. 

Love from down under

Libby Earthman

I have just recommended your skirts to about 5 people this week when hiking and then to an entire biking community group as the rain teams down - yet again. I am your worst customer as I bought my sport skirt about 6 years ago and it still looks like new despite being used almost every day for 9 months of each year. It folds up small in my day pack and I hardly leave the house without it. I think it’s one of my best pieces of clothing. (Although for biking I also have a garter with a clip to keep it in place in the very well).
Thank you.
Aotearoa/New Zealand

Repeat Customer

Libby Earthman

"I am your best customer thanks to my husband. After 10 years of skiff rides in the rain and a long rain coat I was used to being wet several inches up my skirt. I told my husband I didn't need the rainskirt he'd ordered from you... Now I don't know how I lived like that for so long. It's so nice to be dry. Thanks. We have purchased for friends too."

— Tara, Alaska

Pacific Northwest

Libby Earthman

"I received my rainskirt today, and I LOVE it. I cant wait till it really rains, and lucky for me i live in the great northwest and wont have to wait long! now if only i had a tailored riding rainjacket, i could look just like a waterproof victorian lady. pictures will follow. thank you for making my rainskirt dreams come true. and you were right about the length- i think just the way it is will work well for me."
~NM, Oregon


Love it - Love it - Love it

Libby Earthman

Hi Libby,

The past few days the weather has really put the skirt to the test. I LOVE
IT! I cannot sing it's praises highly enough. I have to be out in the rain
for work whether I want to or not and now I don't dread it nearly as much as
I used to because thanks to you I am not riding around with a soggy butt.
LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT - thank you so much for making such an incredible



Adventure Essential

Libby Earthman

I now consider my Weather Wrap essential gear for adventures. We hike/ travel /adventure more than 70 days per year.

It came in particularly useful in Nepal this year. What I love about it is that I can get it on so quickly without fumbling with boots. And it gives a great added layer of warmth without a lot of extra weight in my pack. I have even used it as a ground tarp for picnics and for an extra bivy on top of my sleeping bag.

Here is a picture of my beloved Weather Wrap during hike in the Grand Canyon in winter. I am the envy of all the hikers on the trail!


Libby Earthman

"It is exactly what I was hoping for. ...[My colleagues] drooled when I showed it to them, and will really drool with our first hard rain!"

--Monica, WA



Libby Earthman

"Hello!!! the skirt arrived today, packaging OK, I am very happy, the rain skirt is really "chic" and light."

— Claude-Marie, France

First ever customer writes in...

Libby Earthman

Hi, Libby,

I don't know if you remember me, but I was one of your first customers for the rainskirts. You were still sorting out sizing and labeling when Linda and I purchased them for a trip to Scotland. Enclosed are 2 photos taken on the 3rd of July in Glacier National Park (our local favorite hiking place!). The one of me is at Iceberg Lake, and it is raining and cold, maybe 45 at most.

The other is of Linda on the same trail heading back to the trailhead. We were probably the best prepared hikers, most had rain jackets or ponchos, but only a few had their legs covered with rain pants. We talked to a fellow hiker who was very interested, and after hearing the sales pitch decided that rainskirts made much more sense than rain pants! I gave him your web address, good luck! ... you have a top-notch product! People need to see the practicality of skirts for this type of activity.


RH, Montana

Customer Service

Libby Earthman

"The wrap fits perfectly and I am looking forward to trying it out. ... The service from your company is excellent and something that you do not see very much of in this day and age. I certainly would not hesitate to recommend you for your products and service."

— Dave, Belgium


No more bulky rainpants

Libby Earthman

"I have thought about rain skirts for some time, and am glad someone finally had the get-up-and-go to produce them! Being an avid kilt and skirt wearer, I know how much more comfortable those garments are, and a rain skirt's got to beat the bulky, clunky rain pants we have to deal with!"

—Roger, Missoula, MT

No skirt = Soggy Buns

Libby Earthman

I was out on my scooter for 9 hours today and again, thanks to my trusty RainSkirt, it was not an altogether awful experience. In face, it wasn’t bad at all. Not only did the skirt keep my legs dry it kept the freezing cold wind from whipping through my bones. I came home and posted this to my Facebook status:

[name omitted] is home from 9 hours on a scooter in the rain (thank goodness for the RainSkirt). Now off to visit 2 more kitties on foot.

One of my scooter riding friends wrote to say “what’s a rainskirt?” so I posted this:

This is the one I have: I had been looking for exactly this FOREVER and finally stumbled upon it. They rock because 1) there is no seam in the back for water to eventually make it's way through, 2) they velcro on so you can whip them on and off and 3) they're wide enough that you can easily straddle a scooter with your feet on the ground with fabric to spare. And one more - it kept the freezing wind off my legs so I wasn't completely frozen today. I LOVE MINE!

Thought you’d get a kick out of this. It’s been POURING here all day. Only mistake I made was in a brief 5 minutes when it wasn’t raining I didn’t wear the skirt – neglecting to realize that my coat was soaked. When I got off I had a wet crotch from where the bottom of the soggy raincoat had been sitting on my legs. Learned my lesson!

~S, San Francisco, CA


Superior and Swishy in Canada

Libby Earthman

Hi Libby!! I got the parcel a week or so ago. It is perfect, and just what I want. ;-)

The size 2 gives just that little bit more room to get over whatever I am wearing, the length is just right, and I 'm now convinced that the RainSkirt (as compared with the RainWrap which I originally ordered) is the best choice for me.

I got to try it out yesterday on a rainy and blustery day, and I could just hike on home from work and feel very swishy and superior to all those who were running for cover!

I hope your business is doing well. You have a wonderful product, so well designed and manufactured. I think you must have had a lot of prototypes before you settled on perfection!

Thanks again for all your help and patience with me. It is very much appreciated.

Most sincerely, MJ, Brittish Columbia

Love from across the pond

Libby Earthman

I have bought your rain skirt a few weeks ago to use it during the rainy school run :) and sure enough I had the chance to try it in the very first week of school.
It matches perfectly with the nylon poncho and it has protected me well from some light rain; I felt very stylish too! LOL
Can't wait to have another go when it's pouring down with rain - I can't believe I am saying this!?!? :)
Thanks for your good customer service and prompt replies, too!
Best wishes,
Franz, England


Her Put-Togetherness

Libby Earthman

A customer recently wrote in to share his recent blog post. See this link for the whole post, including great photos.

Wife Dearest has a strong aversion to cold air and anything cold falling from it. Her raincoats got longer and longer, and her wellies got taller and taller, but she would still arrive with the elements having found their way through her coat and breaching the boot-tops. Reaching her office/appointments/parties/meetings feeling disheveled, soaked, and having all prior preparations ruined can now be avoided.

When the weather reaches a level which provides genuine and substantial threat to her put-togetherness, in addition to her raincoat, and over her existing dress or skirt, she puts on a rain skirt.

Special attention

Libby Earthman

I just received my weather wrap, and want to express my appreciation for your offer to have it shortened, since you didn't have the hiker length available in size 3 in the light fabric. It fits well at the waist and hips, but anything longer would definitely not have worked as it comes to my ankles as is. I'm happy to have the very lightweight fabric, as it will be so easy to pack and take along.

Thank you for a great product and wonderful customer service. I'm pleased you make the products in the US by women who might otherwise be unemployed.

Best regards,


So many uses

Libby Earthman

...In other news, here are some things a WeatherWrap is good for, other than
keeping the rain off me:

-keeping the wind out and the warmth in.
-keeping me dry if I happen to topple into a snowbank.
-meeting people, who want to know "where did you get that skirt?"
-shielding the dog from the wind while sitting on the ferry deck.
-keeping the groceries, dog, and me dry while sitting on the ferry deck
in the rain.
-acting as an emergency window-covering for the car, when it's parked
and the dog in the car next door wants to have a stare-you-down and
barking contest with our dog.

Anyway. I continue to enjoy your skirts, which are wonderful. I wish you
a wonderful 2010, and hope the year brings you much delight.


C, Seattle, WA