Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us. We love hearing from you!

Please expect it might take 24-36 hours to hear back. By day we are both busy with full time jobs saving salmon, trout, and watersheds...and raising the next generation of conservation- and community-minded kids. 



27830 State Highway 128
Winters, CA 95694

RainSkirts, WeatherWraps, and SportSkirts...functional outerwear to keep you warm, dry, and outside. Perfect for wearing over pants, skirts, and kilts. 

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Contact Us

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Emergent Designs was born after many a soggy morning and wrinkled skirt. Sick of stuffing her skirt into her rain pants, Libby knew there must be a better way. She invented WeatherWraps and RainSkirts while living in wet Humboldt County, California as a way to get around without rain pants.

Libby grew up fly fishing the high mountains streams of Colorado and moved to California to pursue her passion for river and salmon conservation.  Libby and her husband, Reid, run Emergent Designs in the hours they are not working their full-time jobs in river conservation, and groundwater hydrology.

Their dedication to protecting the environments which sustain us are reflected through Emergent Designs' choice in fabric, shipping, and manufacturing.