Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us. We love hearing from you!

Please expect it might take 24-36 hours to hear back. By day we are both busy with full time jobs saving salmon, trout, and watersheds...and raising the next generation of conservation- and community-minded kids. 



27830 State Highway 128
Winters, CA 95694

RainSkirts, WeatherWraps, and SportSkirts...functional outerwear to keep you warm, dry, and outside. Perfect for wearing over pants, skirts, and kilts. 



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FREE FIRST-CLASS DOMESTIC SHIPPING, every day. We will gladly ship products internationally--the price ranges from about $16-22, depending on destination.

We hope you’ll stand by us in our commitment to environmental quality by not requesting expedited shipping unless totally necessary. The energy used during air shipment is many multiples of what it takes to ship by land.

We will do our best to get you your order as soon as humanly possible. Most orders will arrive at your doorstep within ten days of purchase. That gives you ten days to dream of all the ways you will use your new skirt or wrap.

However, if you do not have the time to wait for your package, we will gladly expedite your package for $15.

The following information, adapted from Yvon Chouinard’s book, Let My People go Surfing, summarizes the energy spent to ship a ton of material

  • Rail or boat: 400 BTUs per ton, per mile
  • Truck: 3,300 BTUs per ton, per mile
  • Air cargo: 21,760 BTUs per ton, per mile

If you’re buying over the internet and have time to spare - ship via ground!

If you have any questions about this policy or any of our products, we'd love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out any time.