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Please expect it might take 24-36 hours to hear back. By day we are both busy with full time jobs saving salmon, trout, and watersheds...and raising the next generation of conservation- and community-minded kids. 



27830 State Highway 128
Winters, CA 95694

RainSkirts, WeatherWraps, and SportSkirts...functional outerwear to keep you warm, dry, and outside. Perfect for wearing over pants, skirts, and kilts. 



First: be sure your skirt is always left to line dry after use, this helps to extend its life. Washing any article of clothing reduces its lifespan, this is especially true with synthetic fabric. We recommend spot-washing with a sponge and warm water wheneWhich is best for bikers?

If your skirt is really muddy and you are unable to wash it by hand, you can wash it with a very small amount of an all-natural, fragrance-free detergent in cool or warm water in an old-fashioned TOP LOADING machine only! High efficiency machines spin faster than the old style of machine, and the process can force water between the outside fabric and the waterproof membrane, causing the layers to de-laminate. Dry the garment by line-drying or tumbling dry on a low-heat setting.

What is the difference between a skirt and wrap?

The major differences between a Weatherwrap and a RainSkirt are: the bottom hem, appearance, ease of use.

  • HEM: On a Weatherwrap, the hem is an open, overlapping circle. Conversely, on a RainSkirt, the bottom hem is a closed circle and one can take steps that reach the edge of the skirt (though the RainSkirt does have a zipper on each side to allow an extra-long gait to avoid this problem). Men tend to prefer the wrap for its ability to allow a really long stride.
  • APPEARANCE: the WeatherWrap has a more A-line skirt appearance, and some find it is too wide at the bottom for them. The RainSkirt hangs more straight from the hip.
  • EASE OF USE: All our garments are made to be put on in a flash while leaving one's shoes on, but the wrap does not require stepping into the garment so it's a little easier to put on in a hurry.

Unless you already ride in a skirt, we don't recommend any of our products for bike riding (all skirts present a challenge on bikes due to wind and top tubes). If you already enjoy wearing a skirt while biking, our Weather Wraps might suit you best. We welcome ideas on how to improve our skirts for biking, AND design ideas for the ultimate biking rain pants. We look forward to the day we can serve our biking buddies (and ourselves) this way!



Yes, we're happy to ship internationally. We ship via US Postal Service, and attach all important customs documents for ease of import. Normally, international packages arrive within 10-25 days of shipment. Please note: international shipping times can be very long during the month of December. 

Our full-length skirt and wrap are ideal for snow, or even just cold weather, such as a windy fall afternoon watching the game. We don't recommend the long length skirts or wraps for warm weather—they are too warm. The Sport Skirt is best for warmer environments.